Tuesday, 30 April 2013

How to Attract your Readers!

Do you know that the most critical part of writing an article, material or content is the headline. The same thing applies to blog posts. Why? It’s because your readers’ eyeballs will always start at the title. So this is where your focus should be. Before you make a title, ask yourself this one question:
Would this make me want to read on?
If your answer is no then please delay publishing until you’re happy with your headline. Give yourself sufficient time to focus on coming up with an attention-grabbing title and do not settle for less.
Unfortunately, many people neglect the headlines or the titles. People think all headlines are the same and it’s the content that matters most. The truth is the title or headline gives readers an impression of how interesting a content might be so be sure to come up with a good headline.
1.Using numbers on your headline really works. 
This is the biggest reason copywriters use them in their headlines. It doesn’t matter what the business is about; lots of them will be using numerals to start off the headline.
Often people will remember about three to five points but there aren’t really any rules regarding which numbers work best.

2. Include interesting adjectives
Every headline should have interesting adjectives as these also help get your readers’ attention.


3. For a list post, use unique descriptions
In case you need to do a list post, be original. Look at the following examples:

or get creative, your ideas may work

4. Use what, why, how, or when
These are trigger words, “why” and “how” to persuade people. Typically, you’ll use either a trigger word or a number. Rarely does it sound good to do both.

5. Make an awesome promise
Promise to give your reader something important and valuable. Will you teach her how to learn a new skill? Will you convince her to do something she’s never done before? What you want to do is dare your reader to read the article. Without over-promising, be bold. Be seductive in the most innocuous way possible, of course. Be dangerous and then deliver what you promised.

Try this formula
Here’s a simple headline-writing formula: Number or Trigger word + Adjective + Keyword + Promise

: Take a bold promise like “selling your house in a day.”
When you use the formula, you get: “How You Could Easily Sell Your House in Less than 24 Hours”

No one wants to be fooled into reading something boring; they want to be drawn into something exciting. Make it worth their while. Take the time to consider what headline will grab people’s attention the most, and make sure that it describes your content in an attractive but genuine manner.

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